On-Farm Rodent Control & Safe Use of Rodenticides

The essential course for understanding responsible rat & mouse control on farms with minimal use of rodenticides
Course description
An online course providing learners with an understanding of how to control rats and mice within farming environments. The course can conclude with the necessary CRRU Safe use of Rodenticides exam.
This course will also cover Farm Assurance schemes such as Red Tractor, Freedom Foods and supermarket compliance for effective rodent control and management.
Who is this course for?
Anyone who completes their own rodent control on farm – especially where no pest control contractor is present and where due diligence is required for farm assurance.
No prior experience is required.
This qualification meets all the requirements of the CRRU Training Framework for the SGAR stewardship regime.
Key Topics (Subjects covered)
Principles of Rodent Control and due diligence
Health, safety and legislation
Why the use of rat and mouse baits (SGARs) are controlled and why other rodent control methods should be considered before rodenticides are used.
Identify and assess pest monitoring strategies and equipment. Including early detection, monitoring and product reviews;
Rat and Mouse Biology; lifecycle; behaviour and non-chemical control options;
Rodenticide Formulations; storage; practical application and waste management;
Reporting systems and due diligence paperwork;
OfQual have made the online access more restrictive and so we have made the decision not to continue with this .Please get intouch and we will forward upcoming courses.
Qualifications / Certificates available on successful completion
Candidates sitting the RSPH exam module who achieve more than 17 out of 25 multi-choice questions will be awarded the RSPH Level 2 Safe Use of Rodenticides qualification certificate.
CPD Activity
6 points for the online course.
Pre-course Requirements
None – course is applicable for new starters and those looking to set-up inhouse rodent management programmes, such as on farms.
Pricing and how to book
Workshop £ 155 – including course materials, RSPH exam and refreshments for the day.
Exam only £ 75 – including course material in advance